Home > Artworks > Marta Teissière Carrión

Photo of Marta Teissière Carrión Spain

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First of Biological TRAINING Universidad Complutense de Madrid course of preparation for Fine Arts, Academia Arjona, Madrid. Entrance exam S. Fine Arts Fernando Bellas Artes 3 º. Two specialized courses in the school of applied arts and crafts paint, stain and modeling in Toledo and Madrid. Ceramics course in Seville Workshop Pella. Ornate FPO Operator Course and polychrome, Teresa Sevilla Osta Workshop. Imagery support...

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See everything we offer you!
12.20 x 8.27 in
16.54 x 10.63 in
39.37 x 29.53 in
7.09 x 9.06 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
35.83 x 47.24 in
9.84 x 12.99 in
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First of Biological TRAINING Universidad Complutense de Madrid course of preparation for Fine Arts, Academia Arjona, Madrid. Entrance exam S. Fine Arts Fernando Bellas Artes 3 º. Two specialized courses in the school of applied arts and crafts paint, stain and modeling in Toledo and Madrid. Ceramics course in Seville Workshop Pella. Ornate FPO Operator Course and polychrome, Teresa Sevilla Osta Workshop. Imagery support ongoing Polychrome, Faculty of Fine Arts in Seville. Teaching Methodology course, Sevilla. Mastery of Adobe Photoshop 7.0. User level knowledge of program 3ds max 5. Mastering the Dreamweaver software, Corel Draw, Freeh mx, Page macker Course Computer Graphic Design, FPO. Andalusian


Cartoonist for Tris Tras magazine Princess, Seville. Exhibition in Faculty of Fine Arts and Arts of Madrid. Exhibition in Gallery to Novice in Madrid. Exhibition at the House of Culture and Media Education Institutes and FP Ruiz Gijón Consolation Our Lady of Utrera. Exhibition at the Illustrious Ayuntamiento de Marchena, Collective Tris, after Princess. Exhibition of Comics and Illustration Collective Tris, Tras Youth Space Princess Villa Julita de Sevilla. Finalist in the painting competition Savings Bank of Toledo, Toledo. Youth Expo magazine illustrator in Seville. Exhibition at the Civic Municipal Cultural Center, organized by the Cultural Office of the City of Valencia de la Concepción. Posters for advertising and logistics for companies. Exhibition of watercolors Romantic Café Sevilla. Portrait in the Castle, Benidorm. Portraitist in Hotel Princesa, Benidorm. Portrait at Hotel Poseidon, Benidorm. Portrait on the Paseo Marítimo, Altea. Participating in the Feria del Xicotet Format, Altea. Painting Exhibition for opening of the Chamber Endanza, Sevilla. Exhibition at the Rake, Hotel Los Lebreros, Sevilla. Cartoonist in Revista Natura, Quito (Ecuador). Cooperating in Painting and Printmaking Workshop Recorder Juan Dura in Altea (Alicante). Making decorative painting on fans to shop Toro Passion 2000. Painting exhibition in the pot, Sevilla 2002. Making Comics for informational purposes CC.OO, Federation of Health, 2002. Painting exhibition at The Gallery Bar Tejar 2003. Trompe l'oeil interior furnishing July, 2004. Trompe l'oeil decoration for Internal November, 2004. Illustrations in children's storybooks, 2005 Painting exhibition in Cultural Center, Soto del Real (Madrid), 20-X-2006 Performing comic for International TÜV magazine. Cooperating as a graphic designer for lomasbuscado.com, 20-06-200 Painting Exhibition at Bar Lempika (Madrid) 03/18/2008

TEACHING EXPERIENCE? Teaching classes, grade 92-93, in Workshop Pella, painting. Sevilla? Teaching painting and drawing classes in Ateneo de Benidorm and Marina Baixa courses 94-95, 95-96? Teaching classes in painting and drawing comics in Studio Music and Painting in Benidorm? College teaching at Les Rotes, Drawing for Comics, Altea. 96-97,97-98 course? Teaching in schools and Garganes Blanquinal, drawing and painting, Altea. 97-98 Course? Teaching classes in drawing for comic IES Ramón Salesians Carande and Trinity College of Seville during 99-00? Teaching classes in drawing for comic Workshop Pella. Summer 2000? He teaches drawing, Mancha, Painting and Polychrome for the course and Polychrome Ornate Operator (FPO), Teresa Osta Workshop, Sevilla. 2001? Cooperating in the Workshop with Teresa Osta painting and drawing classes, Sevilla 2002? Teaching classes in oil painting and watercolor workshops Triana District-Los Remedios, Sevilla 2003-04? Teaching classes in oil painting and watercolor workshops Triana District-Los Remedios. Academic year 2004-2005? Giving private lessons in oil painting summer 2005? Giving private lessons in oil painting and watercolor at Alcazar in Seville in May, June 2006-2008

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